
12 July 2024 (Friday)

(14.00 coffee)

14.30-15.00 Welcome addresses

15.00-16.00 Keynote lecture (chair: Pavel Soukup)

    • James Mixson: Late Medieval Preaching and Conflict: Between Observance and Crusade

(coffee break)

16.30-17.30 Mendicants in polemics and conflicts (chair: Pietro Delcorno)

    • Andrea Mancini: Miseri vagabundi qui ad istam curiam accedunt. Ecclesiological Background of Richard FitzRalph Antifraternal Controversy in his Sermo in festo sancti Francisci (4 October 1349)
    • Kimberly Rivers: The Franciscan Johannes Sintram’s Notebooks as Institutional Memory of Conflict in Fifteenth-Century Würzburg

17.45-19.30 Reception at the Academic Conference Center
– with music by BenHot Prague

(individual dinner) 

13 July 2024 (Saturday)

(9.15 coffee)

9.30-10.30 Keynote lecture (chair: Lucie Doležalová)

    • Pavlína Cermanová: Preaching the Apocalypse in Hussite Bohemia

(coffee break)

11.00-12.30 Preaching and conflict in the Iberian Peninsula (chair: Linda Gale Jones)

    • Olivier Brisville-Fertin: Closing Ranks: Aljamiado Preaching in the Context of the Morisco Underground
    • Oriol Catalan: Political Sermons as an Incitement for Revolt? Bartomeu Catany and the Revolta Forana, Majorca, 1450
    • Amanda Valdés Sánchez: The Grandsons of Mary: The Politics of Marian Devotion, Preaching and the Articulation of the ‘Morisco Problem’ in Early Modern Spain

(cafeteria lunch)

13.30-15.30 Conflicts in and around communities (chair: Kimberly Rivers)

    • Irène Gay: In unum et non in scandalum: Bernard of Clairvaux Addressing Conflict and Its Powers in the 29th Sermon on the Song of Songs
    • Serena Strecker: The Devil in the Family: Domestic Violence in Sermon Exempla
    • Georgiana Donavin: John Gower: The Sermon that Wounds and the Mother who Heals
    • Ottó Gecser: Jews and Christian-Jewish Relations in Sermons from Late Medieval Hungary

(coffee break)

16.00-17.30 Business meeting of the IMSSS

17.30-18.30 Walking tour: Preaching in medieval Prague – with Karel Pacovský and Pavel Soukup

14 July 2024 (Sunday)

9.30 Optional excursions

    • Nostitz Library (manuscripts and early prints collection) – with Richard Šípek
    • Jewish Town – with Karel Pacovský

12.30 cafeteria lunch

13.30-15.30 Preaching about heresy (chair: Patricia Stoop)

    • Jessalynn Bird: Apocalypse Now: Parisian Defenses Against Heretical Claims to Preach
    • Christoph Burdich: Pressing Trigger Points. Polemical Strategies of Berthold of Regensburg and His Contemporaries in the Anti-Heretical Discourse
    • Reid Weber: Across four Pentecosts: Jan Hus, Religious Conflict, and the Holy Spirit
    • Patrick Outhwaite: Preaching Against Hussite Utraquism at Kraków: Stanisław of Skarbimierz and Mikołaj of Błonie on Frequent Communion

(coffee break)

16.00-18.00 Poster session (posters are listed below)

(individual dinner)

15 July 2024 (Monday)

8.00 bus transfer to Sázava

(9.15 coffee)

9.30-11.00 Inciting conflict through sermons (chair: Jessalynn Bird)

    1. This session will not be transmitted online.
    • Alexander Marx: The Roman Conquest of Jerusalem in Early Medieval Sermons: An Essential Device in Rationalizing and Verbalizing Conflict
    • Teresa Witcombe: Preaching War against al-Andalus in Thirteenth-Century Iberia
    • Stanislaw Banach: Preachers as Instigators of Civic Violence: The Example of 15th‑century Wrocław

(coffee break)

                        group 1                                                         group 2

11.45-12.45  tour of the Sázava Monastery                   (restaurant lunch)

13.00-14.00 (restaurant lunch)                                        tour of the Sázava Monastery
– with Jan Kremer and Soňa Dvořáčková

14.15 transfer to Kutná Hora

tour of the medieval town – with Viktor Pohanka et al.

16.30-17.30 visit to St. Barbara Church

18.00 Conference dinner, Restaurant Na Pašince, Kutná Hora – Kaňk

20.30 transfer to Prague

16 July 2024 (Tuesday)

(9.15 coffee)

9.30-10.30 Preachers in ecclesiological controversies (chair: Anne Thayer)

    • Olga Kalashnikova: Mutant verba doctorum pseudo doctores et falsi fratres: Pastoral Catechesis and Ecclesiological Polemics in Bohemian Sermons from the 1360s-1370s
    • Malte Prietzel: The Ominous 6th of July: A Conflict between Allies, Solved by a Sermon… and Some Tricks

(coffee break)


    • Regina D. Schiewer: The Controversy over the Primacy of the Pope or the Superiority of the Council: Heinrich Kalteisen and the “Basel Reform Sermons”
    • Lidia Grzybowska: Ratio dictat: The Sermon of Marcus Bonifili on the Election of Antipope Felix V

12.00-12.30 Conclusion by Nicole Bériou

(cafeteria lunch)

13.30-15.00 Workshop / Excursion

    • National Library, Manuscript Department – with Ondřej Fúsik and Lucie Doležalová
    • National Gallery, Collection of Medieval Art – with Lenka Panušková

Poster session (14 July 2024, 16.00-18.00)

    • Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby: Between Fear, Love and Hope: The Dramatic Story of St. Peter Martyr in Word and Image
    • Marjorie Burghart – Svetlana Yatsyk: DISTINGUO Unveiled: Developing, Populating and Utilizing a Knowledge Base on Medieval Distinctiones
    • Silvia Della Manna – Pietro Delcorno: Preaching about Tyranny in a Vergilian Afterworld
    • Katherine Goodwin Lindgren – Beth Allison Barr: The Female Patronage of a Political Saint: Creating a Comparative Geography of St. Winifred in Medieval English Sermons
    • Katarina Hallqvist: Crucified Love. Seeing With the Eyes of the Heart In Late Medieval Birgittine Spirituality
    • Alexander Huber: Matthias Klinsler, an Austrian Preacher in 1440’s Bohemia
    • Linda Gale Jones: A Rare Mudejar Popular Preaching Manual: ‘The Provisions of the Exhortatory Preacher and Garden of the Qur’an Memorizer’ (Ms BAV Borg. ar. 130)
    • Annamária Kovács: Light and Shadow in Late Medieval Sermons: The Virgin Mary and Her Adversaries
    • Eleonora Lombardo: Preaching on Heresy to Save a Community. Petrus Hispani’s Sermones dominicales in 13th‑century Languedoc
    • Linda Mikulenková: Preaching to the Pope: How a Woman Dared to Criticise the Supreme Authority and Mess with Politics of Her Day
    • Sándor Ónadi: Power of Preaching in the First Crusade (1095-1099)
    • Giuseppe Paternicò: “Potest effective resisti”. Homiletic Techniques and Pastoral Remedies to the Conflict Between Macrocosm and Microcosm in Sermons VIII and XV of the Homiletic Corpus of Federico Visconti, Archbishop of Pisa (1253-1277)
    • Teodora Sava: Preaching the Coming of Christ in the Middle English Filius Matris Collection
    • Beata Spieralska-Kasprzyk: How to Use Vernacular Language in Latin Sermons
    • Aliaksandra Valodzina: Forbidden Preaching before the Waldenses: Dissemination of the “Heretical” Doctrine in the Eyes of the 11th-12th Century Catholic Clergy